Saturday, March 12, 2011

Just a Reminder

I've been hearing great things about your shopping trips!  I'm so excited!  I love a good deal!  I just wanted to remind you all about three things:

Number 1:  Most, most, most importantly, go to church to worship tomorrow!  The Proverbs 31 Wife of Noble Character provided food for her family (vs. 15) and saw that her trading was profitable (vs. 18), but she was able to do these things because she was a woman who feared the Lord (vs. 30).  Worship Him, and give Him thanks for His provision for your family!

Number 2:  Remember to get your Sunday paper tomorrow.  There are lots of good coupons this week!  If you haven't seen the preview yet, check it out here.

Number 3:  The new Walgreens ad will be out tomorrow.  You can come back here tomorrow to check it out.

Enjoy your day of worship!  I'll see you day after tomorrow for My Shopping Monday!


  1. I just figured out I can load krogers coupons to my card from my time to get ready so we won't be late for church.

  2. ok, just a little Kroger update...Charmin 12 double roll...$2.49 after 25 cent coupon and $3 ecoupon, Febreeze room spray 50 cents after $1 coupon and $1 ecoupon, Gilette Pro Series 5 blade razor, reg $7.89, 89 cents with $3 ecoupon and $4 paper coupon, Shick 5 blade razor reg. $5.99, 99 cents after $4 ecoupon and $1 paper coupon, Febreeze Set and Refresh, reg $2.50, 50 cents after $1 ecoupon and $1 paper coupon, and the best deal of all, Tide stain release gelpacs, FREE after $3 ecoupon and $3 paper coupon!!! I also got a box of tampax tampons for 49 cents after coupons. Secret deodorant, $1.99, 50 cent ecoupon, 50 cent paper coupon that doubles, final price, 49 cents. Old spice deodorant $1.99 each, $1 ecoupon, $1 off two paper coupon, final price, $1 each. Bounty paper towels, $5.99, then $2 ecoupon, and 25 cent paper coupon that doubles, final price, $3.49. You have to scan your kroger card to get the sale price, and the ecoupons must be loaded on your card from the Kroger website or All these deals will be over at 11:59 on Tuesday night when all the Kroger sales end for the week.
