Sunday, May 1, 2011

Coupon Match-Ups!

As promised, here are some free or almost free match-ups for you to donate to disaster relief.  All of these deals are using the coupons that were in this Sunday's paper.

  • Right Guard deodorant $0.50-Kroger $1.00-Use Buy 1 Get 1 free coupon to get it for $0.50
  • Crest toothpaste $0.50-Kroger $1.00-Use $1.00 off two coupon
  • Safeguard bar soap $1.00 @ Kroger-Use $1.00 off coupon to get it for FREE!
  • Ivory bar soap $0.97 @ Walmart-Use $1.00 off coupon and you'll actually make $0.03 (At Kroger, they have Ivory body wash for $1.00.  The coupon works for either bar or wash, so you can get the wash for free at Kroger as well.)
A couple of notes:
  • They also need diapers for the relief efforts in Smithville.  Put those diaper coupons to good use!
  • Check your coupons to see if they exclude trial sizes.  Sometimes you can find good coupons that don't exclude trial sizes, and you can get items for free.  Check the trial size aisles at Kroger and Walmart.  Ex.  I had a coupon for $1.00 of Degree Men's deodorant.  It did not exclude trial sizes.  The trial size was $0.97 at Walmart.  So, I got it for free with a $0.03 overage.  You might be able to get some trial sizes for free to send to Smithville.
Hopefully I will be back later in the week to set up some more deals for your grocery shopping endeavors.  Happy shopping!  Happy giving!

Send it to Smithville!

I've been MIA for a few weeks now.  That's no secret.  But, this past week the Lord opened up some awesome deals for me couponing.  (Yes, He does that!)  Now I see at least one of the reasons why.  Send it to Smithville!  We'll call this So, Here's the Deal's first ministry project for you coupon ladies.  Here it is:  Towns across the south have been devastated by the tornadoes that came through this past week.  Two thirds of Smithville, MS was completely destroyed.  Here's where you come in.  This week our Associational Missions Director from Alcorn county is making a trip to Smithville to take supplies that they need.  They are in need of toiletry items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, soap, towels, washcloths, shaving items, etc.  They said they basically need things someone would need to get a shower and get cleaned up.  It just happens to be (we know that God is in control!) that there are numerous coupons coming out in the paper on Sunday that match up with Kroger sales to get toiletry items free to only $1.  This is what I'm asking:  Go get Sunday papers!  I'm buying 4 or 5 this week.  Your savings should far surpass what the paper costs.  Use the coupons to match the deals at Kroger to get some much needed items to send to Smithville.  Get your paper or papers, and Sunday I will be posting a list of match ups for some helpful items.  If you live in this area, you can bring the items to Glendale Baptist Church by this coming Wednesday or just get them directly to Bro. Kenny Digby by then.  He is going to take the items Thursday.  If you don't live in this area, purchase items like this anyway to get to your nearest disaster relief efforts.  We are called to share the Gospel in word and in DEED.  Let's put feet to our faith and share the love of Christ with those hurting in our state.

"So...whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."  1 Cor. 10:31 

Clip those coupons for the glory of God!